Understanding Cultures Through Interaction and Media Contact





 Books by Daniel Waller and Gabby Loftin

 We are all Brothers and Sisters; no matter what or how we think


                 I'm going to make this very short. Donald Trump, as I'm sure you know, has started the same old saying; Unless I win I will not accept the outcome. My words to Mr Trump is; you will not scare anyone into voting for you. You think by saying you will not accept the outcome if you lose, people will fear you and vote for you out of that fear. Well, I ask you this; what are you gonna do when you lose; bring up fire from below; you certainly can't bring down fire from above; hell is down. No one is afraid of you and your threats; except your follows' then too, they are not afraid, just brainless. No one with sense gives a rat toe, to your threats. So, go ahead make as many as you wish; they will do nothing but make people with good sense angrier at you; because they know all you are going to do when you lose is tuck your lying tail and wander off to face all the evils you have committed against humanity. Your day is coming, and it's closer than you may think. Loser!


                       Thanks for stopping by; by the help of God I'll see you next week.

                      Your brother is Christ; Joseph Haugabrook


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