Bible Study
Seeking To Understand God's Word Together
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Whether we accept it or not; we are all sisters and brothers through God
Date: Mar 16 - Mar 22
This Week's Lesson: The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation
Scripture related to the lesson: Psalm 27:1
The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation; Whom Shall I Fear.
Jesus spoke to a boisterous wind and raging sea and they obeyed him; and became calm. He cast out sickness, devils, open blind eyes, loose tied tongues, took five little fishes and two loaves of bred and fed thousands; took water and made the best wine; raised Lazarus from the dead; and let us know, no body take my life; I give it up freely. And that's just for starters. He did much, much, more. So being able to do all these things; who wouldn't trust Him to be their God. He is my God; and I will not fear what mankind say or can do to me. because I know Jesus will take care of me if I obey His commandments. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear.
Thank you for stopping by; by the Grace of God, I'll see you next week.
Your brother in Christ; Joseph J. Haugabrook