Bible Study

Seeking To Understand God's Word Together


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Whether we accept it or not; we are all sisters and brothers through God



Date: Jan 12 - Jan 18

This Week's Lesson:  It's Better When We Do It Together

Scripture related to the lesson: The Bible

       Last night before going to bed, I listen to a Choir sing a series of songs. The members consist of ladies and gentlemen from Black, Caucasian, and other groups of people. The thing that struck me so much was, how good they sounded. It seem everybody in the Choir was hitting the notes perfectly. Man, was it good. I tried to think of a time or place I had heard such good singing. After a short while I gave up, but then it came to me; It was not the time or place that mattered, it was the group that was important; here was these people, all praising God in song and sounding so good I hated it when it ended. Then I thought, how beautiful it would be if we; Black, Caucasian Chinese, Asian, and all people would, in a joint effort, treat one another with love and respect in everything we do. Imagine how sweet life would be if we all gave a beautiful smiled, and spoke with a kind, respective voice to everyone we met. It's in us; all we have to do is let it out. We can so easily put a cap on hatred, and biases, egos and pretentious ways and habits, and open up the God given ways of love and respect; all it take is stop pretending, and be real in everything we do. You know you are no better than the next person; but you pretend. You know money, or credit don't make you better than the next person; but you pretend. It's like the man or woman saying one man is different, or one woman is different than another. They are pretending; God made every man the same way; He made every woman the same way, so you have to pretend in order to convince yourself that there is a difference; because in the end you get the same feeling from one man or woman as you do from another (same feeling from an outside woman or man as you do your husband, except the pretending part) So, put a cap on pretending and live reality. Before going to sleep, I thought about all those different voice mingling together (Western, pop, jazz, rock n roll, etc) all singing the praises of God, all in perfect homonym; And because God made them that way, it was sweet to the ear. I think it's time we stop pretending and be real in life, like the Choir was in singing; after all you have to reject God's way in order to pretend.      


          Thank you for stopping by; by the Grace of God, I'll see you next week.

Your brother in Christ; Joseph J. Haugabrook